Helper methods for supporting python3 and python2 at the same time
import re
import sys
from pprint import pformat
def getPy3SafeString(string):
"""Accepts a string and makes sure it's converted to unicode for python 3.6 and above"""
if string is None:
return None
# python 3.6 compatibility requires that we force things into a binary string
# representation for the dictioanry key because the stuff coming out of f2py is binary-strings
if sys.version_info >= (3, 6) and isinstance(string, bytes):
return string.decode("utf-8")
return string
def pp(obj, comm=None, flush=True):
Parallel safe printing routine. This method prints ``obj`` (via pprint) on the root proc of ``self.comm`` if it exists. Otherwise it will just print ``obj``.
obj : object
Any Python object to be printed
comm : MPI comm
The MPI comm object on this processor
flush : bool
If True, the stream will be flushed.
if (comm is None) or (comm is not None and comm.rank == 0):
# use normal print for string so there's no quotes
if isinstance(obj, str):
print(obj, flush=flush)
# use pprint for everything else
# we use pformat to get the string and then call print manually, that way we can flush if we need to
pprint_str = pformat(obj)
print(pprint_str, flush=flush)
class ParseStringFormat(object):
def __init__(self, fmt):
Parses the following string format:
Note that ``fmt`` must be a valid format string and it should verified before using the parse.
fmt : str
String format string, e.g., ``fmt = "{:^10}"``
# Initialize
self._align = None
self._sign = None
self._zero = None
self._width = None
self._precision = None
self._grouping_option = None
self._ftype = None
# Only get the content between the first {} and get rid of :
fmt = fmt[fmt.find("{") + 1 : fmt.find("}")][1:]
# Check for align characters. There can only be one for a valid string.
align = re.search("[<>=^]", fmt)
if align:
self._align = align[0]
# Check for sign characters. There can only be one for a valid string.
sign = re.search("[+ -]", fmt)
if sign:
self._sign = sign[0]
# Get width and precision
for i, item in enumerate(re.findall("[0-9]+", fmt)):
if i == 0:
self._width = int(item)
if i == 1:
self._precision = int(item)
# Check for grouping options
gOption = re.search("[_,]", fmt)
if gOption:
self._grouping_option = gOption[0]
# Get the formatting type
ftype = re.search("[bcdeEfFgGnosxX%]", fmt)
if ftype:
self._ftype = ftype[0]
def align(self):
return self._align
def sign(self):
return self._sign
def width(self):
return self._width
def precision(self):
return self._precision
def grouping_option(self):
return self._grouping_option
def ftype(self):
return self._ftype