BaseClasses: Solver History Class
@Description : A general solver history class for storing values from a nonlinear solution.
# ==============================================================================
# Standard Python modules
# ==============================================================================
from collections import OrderedDict
import copy
import os
import time
from typing import Optional, Type, Dict, Any, List, Iterable, Union
import pickle
import warnings
class HistoryVariable(object):
"""The HistoryVariable class is used to store the history of a single variable during the execution of a solver.
NOTE: This class is intended only to be used within the SolverHistory class, and should not be used directly.
__slots__ = [
def __init__(self, name: str, varType: Type, valueFormat: Optional[str] = None, headerFormat: Optional[str] = None):
"""Create a HistoryVariable object
name : str
Name of the variable
varType : Type
Variable value type, i.e int, float, str etc
valueFormat : Optional[str], optional
Format string valid for printing variable values with the str.format() method (e.g "{:17.11e}" for a float
or "{:03d}" for an int), only important for variables that are to be printed. By default None
headerFormat : Optional[str], optional
Format string valid for printing variable name with the str.format() method (e.g "{:^20}" to print the name
centred in 20 columns), only important for variables that are to be printed. By default None
self._name: str = name
self._type: Type = varType
self._valueFormat: Optional[str] = valueFormat
self._headerFormat: Optional[str] = headerFormat
self._data: List = []
def getName(self) -> str:
"""Return name of the variable"""
return copy.deepcopy(self._name)
def getType(self) -> Type:
"""Return type of the variable"""
return self._type
def reset(self) -> None:
"""Reset the variable history to its initial state."""
self._data = []
def write(self, value: Any) -> None:
"""Record data for a single iteration"""
if value is None:
# Store data, only if the supplied data can be converted to the correct type
convertedValue = self._type(value)
except ValueError as e:
raise TypeError(
f"Value '{value}' provided for variable '{self._name}' could not be converted to the type declared for this variable: {self._type}"
) from e
def writeFullHistory(self, values: Iterable) -> None:
"""Write the entire history of the variable in one go"""
self._data = [None if v is None else self._type(v) for v in values]
except ValueError as e:
raise TypeError(
f"A value provided for variable '{self._name}' could not be converted to the type declared for this variable: {self._type}"
) from e
def getData(self) -> List:
"""Return the recorded data for this variable
Recorded data for this variable, None values indicate iteration where no value was provided for this
return copy.deepcopy(self._data)
def getValue(self, iteration: int) -> Any:
"""Return the value of the variable for a given iteration
iteration : int
Iteration number to get value for
Value of the variable for the given iteration
Error is raised if the iteration number is out of range
return self._data[iteration]
except IndexError as e:
raise IndexError(f"Iteration {iteration} is out of range for variable {self._name}") from e
def getFormattedHeaderString(self, string: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
"""Format a string in the header format for this variable
string : str, optional
String to be formatted, by default uses self._name
Formatted string
Error is raised if this method is called when no headerFormat has been defined
if self._headerFormat is None:
raise ValueError(f"No header format specified for variable {self._name}")
if string is None:
string = self._name
return self._headerFormat.format(string)
def getFormattedValueString(self, val) -> str:
"""Format a string in the value format for this variable
val : Any
Value to be formatted
Formatted string
Error is raised if this method is called when no valueFormat has been defined
if self._valueFormat is None:
raise ValueError(f"No print format specified for variable {self._name}")
return self._valueFormat.format(val)
class SolverHistory(object):
"""The SolverHistory class can be used to store and print various useful values during the execution of a solver.
NOTE: The implementation of this class contains no consideration of parallelism. If you are using a solverHistory
object in your parallel solver, you will need to take care over which procs you make calls to the SolverHistory
object on.
__slots__ = [
def __init__(self, includeIter: bool = True, includeTime: bool = True) -> None:
"""Create a solver history instance
includeIter : bool, optional
Whether to include the history's internal iteration variable in the history, by default True
includeTime : bool, optional
Whether to include the history's internal timing variable in the history, by default True
# Dictionaries for storing variable information and values
self._variables: Dict[str, HistoryVariable] = OrderedDict()
self._printVariables: Dict[str, bool] = {}
self._metadata: Dict[str, Any] = {}
# Initialise iteration counter and solve start time
self._iter: int = 0
self._startTime: float = -1.0
# --- Define default print formatting for some common types ---
self._defaultFormat: Dict[Type, str] = {}
# float
self._defaultFormat[float] = "{: 17.11e}"
# complex
self._defaultFormat[complex] = "{: 9.3e}"
# int
self._defaultFormat[int] = "{: 5d}"
# str
self._defaultFormat[str] = "{:^10}"
# other
self._DEFAULT_OTHER_FORMAT: str = "{}"
# Add fields for the iteration number and time, unless the user excluded them
self._includeIter = includeIter
if self._includeIter:
self.addVariable("Iter", varType=int, printVar=True)
self._includeTime = includeTime
if self._includeTime:
self.addVariable("Time", varType=float, printVar=True, valueFormat="{:9.3e}")
def reset(self, clearMetadata: bool = False) -> None:
"""Reset the history to its initial state.
clearMetadata : bool, optional
Whether to clear the metadata too, by default False
# Reset iteration counter
self._iter = 0
# Reset solve start time
self._startTime = -1.0
# Clear recorded data
for variable in self._variables.values():
# Clear metadata if required
if clearMetadata:
self._metadata = {}
def addMetadata(self, name: str, data: Any) -> None:
"""Add a piece of metadata to the history
The metadata attribute is simply a dictionary that can be used to store arbitrary information related to the
solution being recorded, e.g solver options
name : str
Item name/key
data : Any
Item to store
self._metadata[name] = data
def addVariable(
name: str,
varType: Type,
printVar: bool = False,
valueFormat: Optional[str] = None,
overwrite: bool = False,
) -> None:
"""Define a new field to be stored in the history.
name : str
Variable name
varType : Type
Variable type, i.e int, float, str etc
printVar : bool, optional
Whether to include the variable in the iteration printout, by default False
valueFormat : str, optional
Format string valid for use with the str.format() method (e.g "{:17.11e}" for a float or "{:03d}" for an
int), only important for variables that are to be printed. By default a predefined format for the given
`varType` is used
overwrite : bool, optional
Whether to overwrite any existing variables with the same name, by default False
if not overwrite and name in self._variables:
warnings.warn(f"Variable '{name}' already defined, set `overwrite=True` to overwrite", stacklevel=2)
if valueFormat is not None:
elif varType in self._defaultFormat:
valueFormat = self._defaultFormat[varType]
valueFormat = self._DEFAULT_OTHER_FORMAT
# Figure out column width, the maximum of the length of the name and the formatted value, also check
# that the format string is valid by testing it on the default value for the provided varType
testString = valueFormat.format(varType())
except (ValueError, TypeError) as e:
raise ValueError(
f'Supplied format string "{valueFormat}" is invalid for variable type {varType}'
) from e
dataLen = len(testString)
nameLen = len(name)
columnWidth = max(dataLen, nameLen)
# --- Now figure out the format strings for the iteration printout header and values ---
# The header is simply centred in the available width, which is actually columnWidth + 4
headerFormat = f"{{:^{(columnWidth + 4)}s}}"
self._variables[name] = HistoryVariable(name, varType, valueFormat, headerFormat)
self._printVariables[name] = printVar
def startTiming(self) -> None:
"""Record the start time of the solver
This function only needs to be called explicitly if the start time of your solver is separate from the first
time the `write` method is called.
self._startTime = time.time()
def write(self, data: dict) -> None:
"""Record data for a single iteration
Note that each call to this method is treated as a new iteration. All data to be recorded for a single solver
iteration must therefore be recorded in a single call to this method.
data : dict
Dictionary of values to record, with variable names as keys
# Store time
if self._includeTime:
if self._startTime < 0.0:
data["Time"] = 0.0
data["Time"] = time.time() - self._startTime
# Store iteration number
if self._includeIter:
data["Iter"] = self._iter
for variable in self._variables.values():
# If no data was supplied for a given variable, store a None
except KeyError:
# Any remaining entries in the data dictionary are variables that have not been defined using addVariable(), throw an error
if len(data) > 0:
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown variables {data.keys()} supplied to Solution History recorder, recorded variables are {self.getVariables()}"
# Increment iteration counter
self._iter += 1
def writeFullVariableHistory(self, name: str, values: Iterable) -> None:
"""Write the entire history of a variable in one go
This function should be used in the case where your solver already handles the recording of variables during a
solution (e.g ADflow) but you want to use a SolverHistory object to facilitate writing it to a file
name : str
Variable name
values : Iterable
Values to record, will be converted to a list
if name not in self._variables:
raise ValueError(
f"Unknown variables {name} supplied to Solution History recorder, recorded variables are {self.getVariables()}"
def printData(self, iters: Optional[Union[int, Iterable[int]]] = None) -> None:
"""Print a selection of lines from the history
Each line will look something like this:
.. code-block:: text
| 0 | 1.000e-01 | -84 | 2.87098307489e-01 | ... |
iters : int or Iterable of ints, optional
Iteration numbers to print, by default only the last iteration will be printed
if iters is None:
iters = [-1]
elif isinstance(iters, int):
iters = [iters]
if max(iters) >= self._iter or min(iters) < -self._iter:
if max(iters) >= self._iter:
badIter = max(iters)
badIter = min(iters)
raise ValueError(
f"Requested iteration {badIter} (zero-based) is not in the history, only {self._iter} iterations in history"
for i in iters:
lineString = "|"
for variable in self._variablesToPrint:
data = variable.getValue(i)
if data is None:
lineString += variable.getFormattedHeaderString("-")
valueString = variable.getFormattedValueString(data)
lineString += variable.getFormattedHeaderString(valueString)
lineString += "|"
def save(self, fileName: str) -> None:
"""Write the solution history to a pickle file
Only the data dictionary is saved
fileName : str
File path to save the solution history to, file extension not required, will be ignored if supplied
base = os.path.splitext(fileName)[0]
fileName = base + ".pkl"
dataToSave = {"data": self.getData(), "metadata": self.getMetadata()}
with open(fileName, "wb") as file:
pickle.dump(dataToSave, file, protocol=pickle.HIGHEST_PROTOCOL)
def getData(self) -> Dict[str, List]:
"""Get the recorded data
Dictionary of recorded data
data = {}
for varName, variable in self._variables.items():
data[varName] = copy.deepcopy(variable.getData())
return data
def getMetadata(self) -> Dict[str, Any]:
"""Get the recorded metadata
Dictionary of recorded metadata
return copy.deepcopy(self._metadata)
def getVariables(self) -> List[str]:
"""Get the recorded variables
Dictionary of recorded variables
return list(self._variables.keys())
def getIter(self) -> int:
"""Get the current number of iterations recorded
Number of iterations recorded
return copy.copy(self._iter)
def _variablesToPrint(self) -> List[HistoryVariable]:
"""Get the variables to print
List of variables to print
return [self._variables[varName] for varName in self._printVariables if self._printVariables[varName]]