Holds the weightProblem class for weightandbalance solvers.
import numpy as np
import copy
from pygeo import geo_utils
except ImportError:
geo_utils = None
from ..utils import Error
class WeightProblem:
Weight Problem Object:
This Weight Problem Object should contain all of the information required
to estimate the weight of a particular component configuration.
name : str
A name for the configuration
units : str
Define the units that this weight problem will use. This set of units is transferred to all components when the are added to the weight problem. It is assumed that all user defined parameters provided to the components are in this unit system. Each component converts the user provided inputs from this unit system to the one used internally to perform calculations and then converts the output back to the user defined system.
evalFuncs : iteratble object containing strings
The names of the functions the user wants evaluated for this weight
def __init__(self, name, units, **kwargs):
Initialize the mission problem
self.name = name
self.units = units.lower()
self.components = {}
self.fuelcases = []
self.funcNames = {}
self.currentDVs = {}
self.solveFailed = False
self.constraintsAdded = False
self.DVGeo = None
self.p0 = None
self.v1 = None
self.v1 = None
# Check for function list:
self.evalFuncs = set()
if "evalFuncs" in kwargs:
self.evalFuncs = set(kwargs["evalFuncs"])
self.mlwfraction = 0.75
if "mlwFraction" in kwargs:
self.mlwfraction = kwargs["mlwFraction"]
def addComponents(self, components): # *components?
Append a list of components to the interal component list
# Check if components is of type Component or list, otherwise raise Error
if type(components) == list:
elif type(components) == object:
components = [components]
raise Error("addComponents() takes in either a list of or a single component")
# Add the components to the internal list
for comp in components:
self.components[comp.name] = comp
# If the component has coords, embed the coordinates into DVGeo
# with the name provided:
if comp.hasCoords:
if self.p0 is not None:
comp._generateAreaMesh(self.p0, self.v1, self.v2)
raise Error(
"attempting to add a coordinate based component without\
providing a surface. Please set a surface using setSurface()"
if self.DVGeo is not None:
self.DVGeo.addPointSet(comp.coords, comp.name)
for dvName in comp.DVs:
key = self.name + "_" + dvName
self.currentDVs[key] = comp.DVs[dvName].value
# end
def _getNumComponents(self):
This is a call that should only be used by MissionAnalysis
return len(self.components)
def setSurface(self, surf):
Set the surface this configuratoin will use to perform projections for
various components.
surf : pyGeo object or list
This is the surface representation to use for
projections. If available, a pyGeo surface object can be
used OR a triangulated surface in the form [p0, v1, v2] can
be used. This triangulated surface form can be supplied
from pyADflow or from pyTrian.
>>> CFDsolver = ADFLOW(comm=comm, options=aeroOptions)
>>> surf = CFDsolver.getTriangulatedMeshSurface()
>>> wp.setSurface(surf)
>>> # Or using a pyGeo surface object:
>>> surf = pyGeo('iges',fileName='wing.igs')
>>> wp.setSurface(surf)
if type(surf) == list:
self.p0 = np.array(surf[0])
self.v1 = np.array(surf[1])
self.v2 = np.array(surf[2])
if geo_utils is None:
raise Error("Unable to find pygeo module, which is required for this functionality.")
def _generateDiscreteSurface(self, geo):
Take a pygeo surface and create a discrete triangulated
surface from it. This is quite dumb code and does not pay any
attention to things like how well the triangles approximate
the surface or the underlying parametrization of the surface
p0 = []
v1 = []
v2 = []
level = 1
for isurf in range(geo.nSurf):
surf = geo.surfs[isurf]
ku = surf.ku
kv = surf.kv
tu = surf.tu
tv = surf.tv
u = geo_utils.fillKnots(tu, ku, level)
v = geo_utils.fillKnots(tv, kv, level)
for i in range(len(u) - 1):
for j in range(len(v) - 1):
P0 = surf(u[i], v[j])
P1 = surf(u[i + 1], v[j])
P2 = surf(u[i], v[j + 1])
P3 = surf(u[i + 1], v[j + 1])
v1.append(P1 - P0)
v2.append(P2 - P0)
v1.append(P2 - P3)
v2.append(P1 - P3)
self.p0 = np.array(p0)
self.v1 = np.array(v1)
self.v2 = np.array(v2)
def writeSurfaceTecplot(self, fileName):
Write the triangulated surface mesh used in the weight_problem object
to a tecplot file for visualization.
fileName : str
File name for tecplot file. Should have a .dat extension.
f = open(fileName, "w")
f.write('TITLE = "weight_problem Surface Mesh"\n')
f.write('VARIABLES = "CoordinateX" "CoordinateY" "CoordinateZ"\n')
f.write("Zone T=%s\n" % ("surf"))
f.write("Nodes = %d, Elements = %d ZONETYPE=FETRIANGLE\n" % (len(self.p0) * 3, len(self.p0)))
for i in range(len(self.p0)):
points = []
points.append(self.p0[i] + self.v1[i])
points.append(self.p0[i] + self.v2[i])
for i in range(len(points)):
f.write(f"{points[i][0]:f} {points[i][1]:f} {points[i][2]:f}\n")
for i in range(len(self.p0)):
f.write("%d %d %d\n" % (3 * i + 1, 3 * i + 2, 3 * i + 3))
def writeTecplot(self, fileName):
This function writes a visualization file for the components that have
coordinates. All currently added components with coords are written to a
tecplot file. This is useful for publication purposes as well as determine if the
constraints are *actually* what the user expects them to be.
fileName : str
File name for tecplot file. Should have a .dat extension.
f = open(fileName, "w")
f.write('TITLE = "Weight_problem Data"\n')
f.write('VARIABLES = "CoordinateX" "CoordinateY" "CoordinateZ"\n')
for compKey in self.components.keys():
comp = self.components[compKey]
if comp.hasCoords:
def setDVGeo(self, DVGeo):
Set the DVGeometry object that will manipulate this object.
Note that pyWeight_problem doesn't **strictly** need a DVGeometry
object set, but if optimization is desired it is required.
dvGeo : A DVGeometry object.
Object responsible for manipulating the constraints that
this object is responsible for.
>>> wp.setDVGeo(DVGeo)
self.DVGeo = DVGeo
def setDesignVars(self, x):
Set the variables in the x-dict for this object.
x : dict
Dictionary of variables which may or may not contain the
design variable names this object needs
for compKey in self.components.keys():
comp = self.components[compKey]
if comp.hasCoords and self.DVGeo is not None:
comp.coords = self.DVGeo.update(comp.name)
for key in comp.DVs:
dvName = self.name + "_" + key
if dvName in x:
xTmp = {key: x[dvName]}
self.currentDVs[dvName] = x[dvName]
for case in self.fuelcases:
for key in case.DVs:
dvName = self.name + "_" + key
if dvName in x:
xTmp = {key: x[dvName]}
self.currentDVs[dvName] = x[dvName]
def addVariablesPyOpt(self, optProb):
Add the current set of variables to the optProb object.
optProb : pyOpt_optimization class
Optimization problem definition to which variables are added
for compKey in self.components.keys():
comp = self.components[compKey]
for key in comp.DVs:
dvName = self.name + "_" + key
dv = comp.DVs[key]
if dv.addToPyOpt:
optProb.addVar(dvName, "c", value=dv.value, lower=dv.lower, upper=dv.upper, scale=dv.scale)
for case in self.fuelcases:
for key in case.DVs:
dvName = self.name + "_" + key
dv = case.DVs[key]
if dv.addToPyOpt:
optProb.addVar(dvName, "c", value=dv.value, lower=dv.lower, upper=dv.upper, scale=dv.scale)
def getVarNames(self):
Get the variable names associate with this weight problem
names = []
for compKey in self.components.keys():
comp = self.components[compKey]
for key in comp.DVs:
dvName = self.name + "_" + key
for case in self.fuelcases:
for key in case.DVs:
dvName = self.name + "_" + key
return names
def addConstraintsPyOpt(self, optProb=None):
Add the linear constraints for each of the fuel cases.
Also add non-linear constraints that all of the fuel cases have a total
TOW less than MTOW
optProb : pyOpt_optimization class
Optimization problem definition to which variables are added
constraints = []
for case in self.fuelcases:
constraints.append(case.addLinearConstraint(optProb=optProb, prefix=self.name))
self.constraintsAdded = True
for case in self.fuelcases:
conName = self.name + "_" + case + "_MTOW"
optProb.addCon(conName, upper=0.0) # , wrt=[]) figure out the wrt...
return constraints
def addFuelCases(self, cases):
Append a list of fuel cases to the weight problem
# Check if case is a single entry or a list, otherwise raise Error
if type(cases) == list:
elif type(cases) == object:
cases = [cases]
raise Error("addFuelCases() takes in either a list of or a single fuelcase")
# Add the fuel cases to the problem
for case in cases:
for dvName in case.DVs:
key = self.name + "_" + dvName
self.currentDVs[key] = case.DVs[dvName].value
# end
def getFuelCase(self, caseName):
Get the fuel case object associated with the caseName.
caseName : str
Name of the fuel case to return
currentCase = None
for case in self.fuelcases:
if case.name == caseName:
currentCase = case
if currentCase:
return currentCase
raise Error("Supplied fuel caseName: %s, not found" % caseName)
def setFuelCase(self, case):
loop over the components and set the specified fuel case
case : fuelCase object
The fuel case to set
# Get just the fuel components
fuelKeys = self._getComponentKeys(includeType="fuel")
for key in fuelKeys:
# end
def resetFuelCase(self):
reset the fuel weight for this case.
# Get just the fuel components
fuelKeys = self._getComponentKeys(includeType="fuel")
for key in fuelKeys:
# end
def _getComponentKeys(self, include=None, exclude=None, includeType=None, excludeType=None):
Get a list of component keys based on inclusion and exclusion
include : list or str
(Optional) String or list of components to be included in the sum
exclude : list or str
(Optional) String or list of components to be excluded in the sum
includeType :
(Optional) String or list of component types to include in the weight keys
excludeType :
(Optional) String or list of component types to exclude in the weight keys
weightKeys = set(self.components.keys())
if includeType is not None:
# Specified a list of component types to include
if type(includeType) == str:
includeType = [includeType]
weightKeysTmp = set()
for key in weightKeys:
if self.components[key].compType in includeType:
weightKeys = weightKeysTmp
if include is not None:
# Specified a list of compoents to include
if type(include) == str:
include = [include]
include = set(include)
if exclude is not None:
# Specified a list of components to exclude
if type(exclude) == str:
exclude = [exclude]
exclude = set(exclude)
if excludeType is not None:
# Specified a list of compoent types to exclude
if type(excludeType) == str:
excludeType = [excludeType]
weightKeysTmp = copy.copy(weightKeys)
for key in weightKeys:
if self.components[key].compType in excludeType:
weightKeys = weightKeysTmp
return weightKeys
def writeMassesTecplot(self, filename):
Get a list of component keys based on inclusion and exclusion
filename: str
filename for writing the masses. This string will have the
.dat suffix appended to it.
fileHandle = filename + ".dat"
f = open(fileHandle, "w")
nMasses = len(self.nameList)
f.write('TITLE = "%s: Mass Data"\n' % self.name)
f.write('VARIABLES = "X", "Y", "Z", "Mass"\n')
locList = ["current", "fwd", "aft"]
for loc in locList:
f.write('ZONE T="%s", I=%d, J=1, K=1, DATAPACKING=POINT\n' % (loc, nMasses))
for key in self.components.keys():
CG = self.components[key].getCG(loc)
mass = self.components[key].getMass()
x = np.real(CG[0])
y = np.real(CG[1])
z = np.real(CG[2])
m = np.real(mass)
f.write(f"{x:f} {y:f} {z:f} {m:f}\n")
# end
# end
# textOffset = 0.5
# for loc in locList:
# for name in self.nameList:
# x= np.real(self.componentDict[name].CG[loc][0])
# y= np.real(self.componentDict[name].CG[loc][1])
# z= np.real(self.componentDict[name].CG[loc][2])+textOffset
# m= np.real(self.componentDict[name].W)
# f.write('TEXT CS=GRID3D, HU=POINT, X=%f, Y=%f, Z=%f, H=12, T="%s"\n'%(x,y,z,name+' '+loc))
# # end
# # end
def writeProblemData(self, fileName):
Write the problem data to a file
fileHandle = fileName + ".txt"
f = open(fileHandle, "w")
f.write("Name, W, Mass, CG \n")
for key in sorted(self.components.keys()):
CG = self.components[key].getCG(self.units, "current")
mass = self.components[key].getMass(self.units)
W = self.components[key].getWeight(self.units)
name = self.components[key].name
f.write(f"{name}: {W:f}, {mass:f}, {CG[0]:f} {CG[1]:f} {CG[2]:f} \n")
# end
def __str__(self):
loop over the components and call the owned print function
for key in self.components.keys():
return " "
class FuelCase:
class to handle individual fuel cases.
def __init__(self, name, fuelFraction=0.9, reserveFraction=0.1):
Initialize the fuel case
name : str
A name for the fuel case.
fuelFraction : float
Fraction of fuel component volume that contains fuel.
reserveFraction : float
Fraction of fuel component volume that contains reserve fuel.
self.name = name
self.fuelFraction = fuelFraction
self.reserveFraction = reserveFraction
# Storage of DVs
self.DVs = {}
self.DVNames = {}
self.possibleDVs = ["fuelFraction", "reserveFraction"]
def addDV(
self, key, value=None, lower=None, upper=None, scale=1.0, name=None, offset=0.0, axis=None, addToPyOpt=True
Add one of the fuel case parameters as a weight and balance design
variable. Typical variables are fuelfraction and reservefraction.
An error will be given if the requested DV is not allowed to
be added .
key : str
Name of variable to add. See above for possible ones
value : float. Default is None
Initial value for variable. If not given, current value
of the attribute will be used.
lower : float. Default is None
Optimization lower bound. Default is unbounded.
upper : float. Default is None
Optimization upper bound. Default is unbounded.
scale : float. Default is 1.0
Set scaling parameter for the optimization to use.
name : str. Default is None
Overwrite the name of this variable. This is typically
only used when the user wishes to have multiple
components explictly use the same design variable.
offset : float. Default is 0.0
Specify a specific (constant!) offset of the value used,
as compared to the actual design variable.
addToPyOpt : bool. Default True.
Flag specifying if this variable should be added. Normally this
is True. However, if there are multiple weightProblems sharing
the same variable, only one needs to add the variables to pyOpt
and the others can set this to False.
>>> # Add W variable with typical bounds
>>> fuelCase.addDV('fuelFraction', value=0.5, lower=0.0, upper=1.0, scale=0.1)
>>> fuelCase.addDV('reserveFraction', value=0.1, lower=0.0, upper=1.0, scale=0.1)
# First check if we are allowed to add the DV:
if key not in self.possibleDVs:
raise Error(f"The DV '{key}' could not be added. The list of possible DVs are: {repr(self.possibleDVs)}.")
if name is None:
dvName = "%s_" % self.name + key
dvName = name
if axis is not None:
dvName += "_%s" % axis
if value is None:
value = getattr(self, key)
self.DVs[dvName] = fuelCaseDV(key, value, lower, upper, scale, offset, addToPyOpt)
self.DVNames[key] = dvName
def setDesignVars(self, x):
Set the variables in the x-dict for this object.
x : dict
Dictionary of variables which may or may not contain the
design variable names this object needs
for key in self.DVNames:
dvName = self.DVNames[key]
if dvName in x:
setattr(self, key, x[dvName] + self.DVs[dvName].offset)
self.DVs[dvName].value = x[dvName]
def addLinearConstraint(self, optProb=None, prefix=None):
add the linear constraint for the fuel fractions
reserveDV = False
fuelDV = False
for key in self.DVNames:
if key.lower() == "fuelfraction":
fuelDV = True
if key.lower() == "reservefraction":
reserveDV = True
conName = prefix + "_" + self.name + "_fuelcase"
var1Name = prefix + "_" + self.name + "_fuelFraction"
var2Name = prefix + "_" + self.name + "_reserveFraction"
args = ()
if reserveDV and fuelDV:
args = (
"lower": 0,
"upper": 1,
"scale": 1,
"linear": True,
"wrt": [var1Name, var2Name],
"jac": {var1Name: [[1]], var2Name: [[1]]},
elif reserveDV:
args = (
"lower": 0,
"upper": 1 - self.fuelFraction,
"scale": 1,
"linear": True,
"wrt": [var2Name],
"jac": {var2Name: [[1]]},
elif fuelDV:
args = (
"lower": 0,
"upper": 1 - self.reserveFraction,
"scale": 1,
"linear": True,
"wrt": [var1Name],
"jac": {var1Name: [[1]]},
if optProb and args: # might be none, if you just want the constraint args for OpenMDAO
optProb.addCon(args[0], **args[1])
return args
def addLinearMTOWConstraint(self, optProb=None, prefix=None):
mtowReserveDV = False
mtowFuelDV = False
for key in self.DVNames:
if key.lower() == "mtowfuelfraction":
mtowFuelDV = True
if key.lower() == "mtowreservefraction":
mtowReserveDV = True
conName = prefix + "_" + self.name + "_mtowFuelcase"
var1Name = prefix + "_" + self.name + "_mtowFuelFraction"
var2Name = prefix + "_" + self.name + "_mtowReserveFraction"
args = ()
if mtowReserveDV and mtowFuelDV:
args = (
"lower": 0,
"upper": 1,
"scale": 1,
"linear": True,
"wrt": [var1Name, var2Name],
"jac": {var1Name: [[1]], var2Name: [[1]]},
elif mtowReserveDV:
args = (
"lower": 0,
"upper": 1 - self.fuelFraction,
"scale": 1,
"linear": True,
"wrt": [var2Name],
"jac": {var2Name: [[1]]},
elif mtowFuelDV:
args = (
"lower": 0,
"upper": 1 - self.reserveFraction,
"scale": 1,
"linear": True,
"wrt": [var1Name],
"jac": {var1Name: [[1]]},
if optProb and args: # might be none, if you just want the constraint args for OpenMDAO
optProb.addCon(args[0], **args[1])
return args
class fuelCaseDV:
A container storing information regarding a fuel case variable.
def __init__(self, key, value, lower, upper, scale, offset, addToPyOpt):
self.key = key
self.value = value
self.lower = lower
self.upper = upper
self.scale = scale
self.offset = offset
self.addToPyOpt = addToPyOpt