Source code for baseclasses.testing.pyRegTest

    from mpi4py import MPI
except ImportError:
    # parallel functions will throw errors
    MPI = None
from pprint import pformat
import numpy as np
import os
import sys
from contextlib import contextmanager
from ..utils import Error
from ..utils import writeJSON, readJSON

[docs] def getTol(**kwargs): """ Returns the tolerances based on kwargs. There are two ways of specifying tolerance: 1. pass in ``tol`` which will set ``atol = rtol = tol`` 2. individually set ``atol`` and ``rtol`` If any values are unspecified, the default value will be used. Parameters ---------- atol : float absolute tolerance, default: 1E-12 rtol : float relative tolerance, default: 1E-12 tol : float tolerance. If specified, ``atol`` and ``rtol`` values are ignored and both set to this value Returns ------- rtol : float relative tolerance atol : float absolute tolerance """ DEFAULT_TOL = 1e-12 if "tol" in kwargs: rtol = kwargs["tol"] atol = kwargs["tol"] else: if "rtol" in kwargs: rtol = kwargs["rtol"] else: rtol = DEFAULT_TOL if "atol" in kwargs: atol = kwargs["atol"] else: atol = DEFAULT_TOL return rtol, atol
[docs] class BaseRegTest: def __init__(self, ref_file, train=False, comm=None): """ The class for handling regression tests. Parameters ---------- ref_file : str The name of the reference file, containing its full path. train : bool, optional Whether to train the reference values, or test against existing reference values, by default False comm : MPI communicator, optional The MPI comm if testing in parallel, by default None check_arch : bool, optional Whether to check and set the appropriate PETSc arch prior to running tests, by default False. Note this option does not currently work. """ self.ref_file = ref_file if MPI is None: self.comm = None self.rank = 0 else: if comm is not None: self.comm = comm else: self.comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD self.rank = self.comm.rank self.train = train if self.train: self.db = {} else: # We need to check here that the reference file exists, otherwise # it will hang when it tries to open it on the root proc. assert os.path.isfile(self.ref_file) self.db = self.readRef() def __enter__(self): """ Boilerplate code since we do not do anything special on opening the handler """ return self def __exit__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Write the reference file on closing the handler """ if self.train: self.writeRef() def getRef(self): return self.db
[docs] def writeRef(self): """ Write the reference file from the root proc """ # move metadata to the end of the file if "metadata" in self.db: self.db["metadata"] = self.db.pop("metadata") with multi_proc_exception_check(self.comm): writeJSON(self.ref_file, self.db, comm=self.comm)
[docs] def readRef(self): """ Read in the reference file on the root proc, then broadcast to all procs """ with multi_proc_exception_check(self.comm): db = readJSON(self.ref_file, comm=self.comm) self.metadata = db.pop("metadata", None) return db
# ***************** # Public functions # *****************
[docs] def root_print(self, s): """ Print a message on the root proc Parameters ---------- s : str The message to print """ if self.rank == 0: print(s)
[docs] def add_metadata(self, metadata): """ Add a metadata entry to the reference file, which is not used when checking reference values. Parameters ---------- metadata : dict The dictionary of metadata to add """ if self.rank == 0: self._add_values("metadata", metadata)
[docs] def get_metadata(self): """ Returns the metadata Returns ------- dict The metadata stored in the reference file """ return self.metadata
# Add values from root only
[docs] def root_add_val(self, name, values, **kwargs): """ Add values but only on the root proc Parameters ---------- name : str the name of the value values : [type] [description] """ with multi_proc_exception_check(self.comm): if self.rank == 0: self._add_values(name, values, **kwargs)
[docs] def root_add_dict(self, name, d, **kwargs): """ Only write from the root proc Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the dictionary d : dict The dictionary to add \*\*kwargs See :meth:`getTol <baseclasses.BaseRegTest.getTol>` on how to specif tolerances. """ with multi_proc_exception_check(self.comm): if self.rank == 0: self._add_dict(name, d, name, **kwargs)
# Add values from all processors
[docs] def par_add_val(self, name, values, **kwargs): """ Add value(values) from parallel process in sorted order Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the value values : ndarray The array to be added. This must be a numpy array distributed over self.comm \*\*kwargs See :meth:`getTol <baseclasses.BaseRegTest.getTol>` on how to specif tolerances. """ if self.comm is None: raise Error("Parallel functionality requires mpi4py!") values = self.comm.gather(values) with multi_proc_exception_check(self.comm): if self.rank == 0: self._add_values(name, values, **kwargs)
[docs] def par_add_sum(self, name, values, **kwargs): """ Add the sum of sum of the values from all processors. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the value values : ndarray The array to be added. This must be a numpy array distributed over self.comm \*\*kwargs See :meth:`getTol <baseclasses.BaseRegTest.getTol>` on how to specif tolerances. """ if self.comm is None: raise Error("Parallel functionality requires mpi4py!") reducedSum = self.comm.reduce(np.sum(values)) with multi_proc_exception_check(self.comm): if self.rank == 0: self._add_values(name, reducedSum, **kwargs)
[docs] def par_add_norm(self, name, values, **kwargs): """ Add the norm across values from all processors. Parameters ---------- name : str The name of the value values : ndarray The array to be added. This must be a numpy array distributed over self.comm \*\*kwargs See :meth:`getTol <baseclasses.BaseRegTest.getTol>` on how to specif tolerances. """ if self.comm is None: raise Error("Parallel functionality requires mpi4py!") reducedSum = self.comm.reduce(np.sum(values**2)) with multi_proc_exception_check(self.comm): if self.rank == 0: self._add_values(name, np.sqrt(reducedSum), **kwargs)
# ***************** # Private functions # *****************
[docs] def assert_allclose(self, actual, reference, name, rtol, atol, full_name=None): """This is basically a wrapper on numpy.testing.assert_allclose with a generated error message""" if full_name is None: full_name = name msg = f"Failed value for: {full_name}" np.testing.assert_allclose(actual, reference, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, err_msg=msg)
def assert_equal(self, actual, reference, name, full_name=None): if full_name is None: full_name = name # special case where we treat tuples and lists the same # we compare each element if isinstance(reference, (list, tuple)): for i, j in zip(reference, actual): # cast both to tuple if i != j: raise AssertionError(f"The elements do not match! Expected {i}, but got {j} instead.") # otherwise use the builtin __eq__ comparison elif actual != reference: msg = f"Failed value for: {full_name}" msg += f"Expected {pformat(reference)}, but got {pformat(actual)}" raise AssertionError(msg) def _add_values(self, name, values, db=None, **kwargs): """ Add values in special value format If ``compare=True``, it will compare the supplied value against an existing value in the database instead of adding the value, even in training mode. This is useful for example in dot product tests when comparing two values. Parameters ---------- name : str Name of the value values : float or list of floats or numpy array The value to add db : dict, optional The database to add the values to, only used to recursively add dictionary entries If none, ``self.db`` is used. """ # if metadata, only add it to db if train # else do nothing if name == "metadata": if self.train: self.db[name] = values return if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("All keys in the dictionary must use string indexing.") rtol, atol = getTol(**kwargs) compare = kwargs["compare"] if "compare" in kwargs else False full_name = kwargs["full_name"] if "full_name" in kwargs else None if db is None: db = self.db if not self.train or (self.train and compare): # if the values contain numeric data if np.issubdtype(np.array(values).dtype, np.number): self.assert_allclose(values, db[name], name, rtol, atol, full_name) # otherwise perform equality comparison else: self.assert_equal(values, db[name], name, full_name) else: if name in db.keys(): raise KeyError(f"The name {name} is already in the training database. Please give UNIQUE keys.") if isinstance(values, np.ndarray): db[name] = values.copy() else: db[name] = values def _add_dict(self, dict_name, d, full_name, db=None, **kwargs): """ Add all values in a dictionary in sorted key order. This function is called recursively on nested dictionaries, which is why ``full_name`` is needed to preserve the nested keys. Eventually, the recursion encounters a list or scalar, at which point :meth:`_add_values` is called to actually add the value to the database. Parameters ---------- dict_name : str Name of the dictionary d : dict The dictionary full_name : str The full name of the dictionary db : dict, optional The database to add the values to, only used to recursively add dictionary entries If none, ``self.db`` is used. """ rtol, atol = getTol(**kwargs) if db is None: db = self.db if self.train: db[dict_name] = {} elif dict_name not in db.keys(): raise ValueError(f"The key '{dict_name}' was not found in the reference file!") for key in sorted(d.keys()): full_name = f"{full_name}: {key}" if isinstance(d[key], bool): self._add_values(key, int(d[key]), rtol=rtol, atol=atol, db=db[dict_name], full_name=full_name) elif isinstance(d[key], dict): # do some good ol' fashion recursion self._add_dict(key, d[key], full_name, rtol=rtol, atol=atol, db=db[dict_name]) else: self._add_values(key, d[key], rtol=rtol, atol=atol, db=db[dict_name], full_name=full_name)
# This strategy of dealing with error propagation to multiple procs is taken directly form openMDAO.utils; # It was not imported and used here to avoid adding openMDAO as a dependency. # If openMDAO is added as a dependency in the future this context manager definition should be replaced by an import @contextmanager def multi_proc_exception_check(comm): """ Raise an exception on all procs if it is raised on one. Wrap this around code that you want to globally fail if it fails on any MPI process in comm. If not running under MPI, don't handle any exceptions. Parameters ---------- comm : MPI communicator or None Communicator from the ParallelGroup that owns the calling solver. """ if MPI is None or comm is None or comm.size == 1: yield else: try: yield except Exception: exc = sys.exc_info() fail = 1 else: fail = 0 failed = comm.allreduce(fail) if failed: if fail: msg = f"{exc[1]}" else: msg = None allmsgs = comm.allgather(msg) if fail: msg = f"Exception raised on rank {comm.rank}: {exc[1]}" raise exc[0](msg).with_traceback(exc[2]) else: for m in allmsgs: if m is not None: raise RuntimeError(f"Exception raised on other rank: {m}.")